
Parent Conference

So my Mom Comes To Go Over My grades. I'm Feeling Good, got 2 b+, and 2 A's and a c. so, my asb teacher comes down and fucking ask her " have you heard tylers music?", my mother pauses............"no, i haven't"..........so my fucking teacher tells her about the studio up stairs and thinks i should show her my myspace. i show her, and im ready to x it out, then my teacher is like " do you know he like to take photos?"....no i had no idea....so i gotta show her my pictures and shit, and then my teacher tells her about my videos!!!!!......i told them i deleted them........ so we go up stairs and she meets the director, and says she wants to hear some music. i recorded supreme, speakerboxx and odd toddlers, along time ago, and i wanted it deleted because i though it was the wackest shit i ever heard. he like" mom, lets go and take a listen"...im like NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought you deleted it...nah i kept it!!!....What The Fuck!!!!!!!....... So Im like Ill Play Her Some beats. I Go to my Music page and play her every beat on there.....she hates all of them...........all she said was" play the next one!" i tried to talk about some other shit over the beat, but she kept telling me to stfu and listen. so we leave out the room, and the director is like, " you heard the ones with lyrics?"...."o jst the beats" i tried my hardest so she couldnt hear them...i hate them, im saying shit like aids and fat bitch and she just laughing.... anyway....im still pist....i sent a text message to almost everyone i know. i dont even know if i want to do this music shit anymore man........ i think i wanna do the doom thing, like when i rap, have a mask or change my voice or somthing, cause people know i dont get embarrassed, i cant act a fool n public, but when it comes to my sounds and literature, im always like "no dont play!!!", man........this stereo-type shit isnt gonna drop....im over it.


  1. damn the come up is real *pray hand emoji*

  2. hey man fuck the haters drop that shit!

  3. Imagine if he actually gave up on that music shit...

  4. im so glad he didnt gave up on music

  5. holy shit theres recent fans here you guys are fucking real ones

  6. Tyler, if you've decided to look at your old comments for nostalgia, and you're reading my comment right now, fucking release all your old music that hasn't seen the light of day, like your shit on the Stereotype EP and everything else. If not, when I blow the fuck up, I will bother the fucking shit out of you until you release it all. This is a fucking promise

    - C.T.F

  7. how many niggas seen dis shit

  8. Yo tyler if your reading this please just show us where to find your old stuff. can't get enough of what you produce man. if u wanna say hi to a fan email me at NovaStrike5000@gmail.com

  9. I wanna hear this shit. Also, you needed to tell that teacher to STFU lol

  10. tyler if you ever read this I just want you to know that I have no clue how the fuck my life would be like if your moms actually got you to stop making music.

  11. thank you for all the music you’ve created and everything you’ve made T. you’re the inspiration for my music and i will forever look up to you as my idol and i couldn’t ever be more proud of you for how far you’ve come. -Nessie

  12. Thanks for not quitting tyler

    Where do I find more old tyler? I can't get enough

  13. DROP IT

    respect t for not quitting - marco j.

  14. holy shit theres still people here

  15. anyone can make it as long as they want it

  16. Can't imagine what it would be like without you

  17. this is so damn crazy to read. i’m so glad he kept making music he’s come so far. love u T

  18. So funny readin this now, seein how far you've come, you the best bro

  19. I would love to see all these songs remastered with Tyler’s experience now

  20. Divine intervention came in and was like nah your gonna be something

  21. This is so crazy to read man.... WoW. Just straight up inspiring.

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  24. i would have done the same thing man your music is better than mine before l listening to your music i was actually trying to do the same thing once i heard ACE i was inspired(corny) but shit im just lonely im still trying to make friends and skate. but im glad you're happy now i love you man. Luis Gallegos

  25. and im not trying to kill miyself im trying to make my momma happy now that i red this and knowing your a REAL person makes me feel sooo inspired and that i could make it (CORNY AGAIN) but yea man im 14 btw i love you man you prob wont see this but ill make it.

  26. thank you for not dropping music Tyler.

  27. what would present tyler think of this lmfao
