
Follw The Leader

Why Do You Niggas have Blogs? I See So Many Fucking People With Them For No Fucking Reason.... Fuck! Photobucket


  1. fuck yeah....people...."check out my blog"...u go look at it...they have three posts and the last one was like 6 months ago and shit...fucking annoying.....

  2. now what exactly do you have to talk about that's so interesting? all i see is high school kids at lunch time. i'm not hating on you because i actually like some of your flix, but why diss on them when your blog really is no different than?

  3. some blogs just have supreme new shit and the new nike sb releases...nothing to them but hypebeast number 2.....i think blogs are like diary's and shit, get into people mind, some creative points they want people see.....not whats on the next site

  4. o shit, i just left a comment on my own blog ha

  5. blogs are for expressin ur self an sayin w/e u believe or however u feel an see if ppl give a fuck. if they dont, oh well dont be a bitch about it. I kno i got a blog jus 2 say wuts on my mind. Fuck all the shit dats comin out an whos doin wut. thats wut shit like hypebeast n ataricoolkids iz for.

  6. blogs=journal to me. Sure, kids at lunch, i take pictures about what I do and my day to day. Whether or not that's interesting is up to the reader. Notice I said nothing about what people blog about, but about how often they blog. But if I want to talk about what people blog about then I mean some folks just do clothes, not my cup of tea, some people post pics about lunchtime, me, and some do pure music while some express their political views. But I'm just referring to pointless blogs.

  7. pointless in that they don't use ite ever but tell people to look at it...

  8. hmmm seems you are missing my point

    ...i was simply asking what made his blog so special that would lead him to talk shyt about others...it has nothing to do with lunch time photos...you talk about random events happening at your school while others talk about fashion/music, or whatever but then they are considered hypebeast number 2?...wouldn't that simply be the same as you're doing? i.e. talking about stuff that you (the writer) are interested in...

  9. the lunch time thing was a reference to me. whos blog is no different than who's. I think there is just miscommunication as to who your comments are directed at. ME or ACE?

  10. its funny how u care enough to leave a 2nd comment. o shit i jus did lol

  11. im lost.

    all im saying is, when you have 7 posts, and all of them say.

    supreme spring o8. then a picture of a fucking shirt with no imput of what you might think about the realease or what not.....its fucking pointless.....like i said, i see blogs ass a way of speaking your mind, or for some, posting photos they took, show there creative side, or like a diary what they did for the day......not a shirt.....esspeciallyyyy supreme.....shits weak
