

It Seems Like Everyone Around Me Is Moving Foward, And Im Taking Steps Back. I Don't Know What The Fuck Im Going To DO With Life. School Is Almost Over, And As Much As I Want It To Come, I Dont. Yeah, Im GOing To A University For Film And Shit, But, Truthfully, i Want To Go To An Art School. I Fell Ill Do Better And Be Happy. I Have Alot Of Shit On My Mind. Don't Really Think I Want To Do THis Music, Art, Phto...Whatever it is I Do.....Everything Ive Been Doing Is Not Going Right Nor Left, Its Just THere. Between These Sarah's And School, My Only Focus Is The Future. And That Lens Is A Blur. I Feel As if I'm Trapped In A Car, Driving. Not Driving Anywhere Really, Full Tank of Gas, Brand New Car Scent, But Going No Fucking Where. It's Not A Secret, I Have Eveyone That Brethes, Fuck The Government And Everything Else.....But For Once, I Feel As If I Need One Person. All My Niggas That I Used TO Skate With Are Now Not Really What I Grew Up With. Yeah, Shred The Gnar Here And There But, Now All Niggas Do Is Smoke. I Dont Smoke, So I Don't Know How It Feels To Drop $100 On Dro And Be Done Foe a Couple Days. Iv'e Been Kicking it With Myself Alot Lately, Ive Got over 30 Songs Done That i Don't Know What To Do With, Drawings And Custom Shoes And Other Art ive Done That I Really Want To Trash, All Because i Feel Lost. I Mean, Ive Always Been Like This, I Can Kick It With Myself Anyday...But....Fuck, My Company is As Lost As Me...if That Makes Any Sense. I Had Dreams Of Really Having A Fucking magazine Out, But, Thats Down The Drain, I had Samples But...I Really Don't Know if I Wanted To Go Threw With It, It takes Alot of hard Work With No Help From Anyone Still in High School. Fuck It, One Day. Pool Ad Street Ad Slauson I Truthfully Miss This Dude, This Is The Tyler I Know, Not On Some Soft Homo Shit. Home


  1. No dickride, but I feel you. I haven't chilled with people besides myself since November/December (I moved in december from ny to atl) shits bugged. opposite of you tho instead of leavin high school i'll be starting :/ in a school i could give 3 shits about, dont even think i registered correctly anyway but who gives and the niggas shit i feel you on that too. i talk to one of my dudes from ny and now everyone from back home smokes like its the last recreational thing left to do on earth :/ the fuck? i wish i could have 30 songs recorded im too lazy and i hate the shit. i wanna do shit but i dont like i said shits bugged your photos is ill tho i saw the summy days pics back in your older posts. stay up tho hit me up if you tryna talk n shitt, i aint got shit todo besides watch porn and blog and shit. 1

  2. When You give up is when you really FAIL. You'll be alright, you always are.

  3. Go through with it dude, College only opens up your freedom and networking. I think once you get to college you will find your love for what you like to do again, and your good at it so why not pursue? You have ideas that need to get out, and it would be sad to know you wasted them. Do you bro!

    -Dareon "Boogie" Grace

  4. Dude, the college thing is a perfect remedy for all that (if you go to the right one). Ull meet a lot of people who friggin flip ur concept of things inside out and upside down. Then ull meet people who suck and some really cool kids you vibe with like you guys were separated at birth. Then the first week is over and you have the rest of the tiemm to be inspired, create, work, slack off or whatever.

    Just dont give up dude, your creativity is much needed in this world.

  5. quitters never win.
    plenty of people, including myself, are in similar if not the same type of situations. just do you thats all one can ask for. fear is an illusion. success is tangible you can get it when you want with your talent.

  6. ...so if you stop skatin and, creating art and music...im not gone fux wit you no more, forsure.

    cuz thats why we partners now, cuz we like the same shit, we can work 2gether and we're ODD. you have mad talent nigga, dont think cuz not enough ppl are recognizing your craft you moving backwards...if you've made 30 songs lately, then brotha thats progress to me. i dream i could make music all day and do shows and everybody was up on our shit.

    then college comes...you not gone be able to do nun of that shit, all it is is projects, essays, due dates and drunk white bitches...so all im sayin is keep doin your thing while your livin', cuz your building up a personal resume/portfolio that you can show anybody when all the hard work is done..


  7. And it doesnt even end in college! You just have to plan better..organize time and ish. Think about where all these big art and music movements were started: college!!!

  8. I know exactly how you feel Man, all my friends is movin' on to college & I'm stuck at 1. All I can tell you is you have talent & anything you do is & can be amazing. Keep your grind! Never stop making your music, because it's people like us that need it, you make me laugh with ur music and get thru the day...anywho if u can't be apart of the greatest, you gotta be the greatest urself, right ? -Miilie M3$H

  9. Fuck all that. I've Been Writing My Screen Play for Two Years And I'm Still on Page One. There Are Two Options: Acquiesce and Become Cellophane, Or Pull a Henry David Thoreau And Lock Yourself in The Woods, Writing and Breathing And Being. Nothing's Real And Things Are Fragile. I'm Leaning Toward The Latter.

  10. seeing someone in your position now that was going through the shit im in right now is motivational as fuck,
