

fucking awesome. broke as fuck, no job, barely going to school, need a haircut, new shoes, car fucking up. but hey, got a fucking concert this fucking friday where a bunch of fucking die hards will be there to recite my fucking verse and who would suck my dick for a hi five. fucking swag me out. got damn, im fucking depressed, i want to fucking just fucking kill myself. fuck. i personally thnk im going to die on friday. gonna be way to fucking hyper and trying to perform, my fucking asthma is going to flare up to the max, adrenaline pumping, then lungs are going to close more and more, im gonna try to take a puff of my inhaler, thinking its gonna work i keep performing, then BAM,. im on the floor. dead. fucking DEAD. truthfully, i dont if ill be happier that way. i mean, i wont, but, fuck it. if you want, you should come to the show. info is at oddfuture.com. fuck t im gonna rant some more. my bitch ass mom is bugging on me. she failled as a fucking parent. all my life she wanted me too be something that im not. she would prolly be suprised her son has made a name for himself among teenagers and fucking college students all around the nation, videos with over 30 thousand plays and a fucking album that has done really fucking well with no site or anyone big to tell people to cop. i dont want to sound like a bitch but, i was kinda hurt the other day. im on the fucking phone with her blabbing about college and shit, im just slowing pressing the keys oon the piano, she bluts out " o i see someone trying to play the piano", i replyed, i dont need to try i tought myself.....she claims i dont know how to play, im like, remember, i tought myself how to play because you wouldnt give me lessons when i asked for them.." you never asked for them".....come on dude, really? i begged for them but you put me in YMCA basketball instead, against my will"....you never asked me for tehm"....what are you talking about, 7th grade you bought me my keyboard for my birthday and i begged for them".....o, well too bad, you sound really bitter buddy"........damn, i mean it mite not seem like anything to yall but what the fuck, how do you not know that your fucking child can play a fucking instrument, like, thats fucked up to me. fuck it, i got a show and a bucnh of fucking kids who love me to cater too, out.


  1. keep your head up
    keep playing that piano and fuck anyone else who tells you otherwise

  2. i was there myself little bro. My mother wanted me to do other things other than music as well. Had to move out and go thru alot of bullshit and heartache to get to the level im at today. Im still not where i want to be. But im further along than i wouldve had i chose to stay around the negativity. Im assuming your young as hell still. Just do what you gotta to keep Mom off your back but continue to do moves for yourself too. Its your life...as long as you aint hurting yourself or others (subjective...cuz others can hate and be jealous and say your hurting them) trying to twist the truth. but your know what im saying!!!!

  3. You're gonna be alright man. Just stay fucking motivated. The rest will come.

  4. i know how you fucking feel kinda, except that performing part shit. i have asthma too lol. fuckin' shit. hope your mom stops bitching at you and have fun at your shows and TOURRRR

  5. Dude... Keep your shit together we love your music keep another inhaler around and "Fuck anyone who says you cant play i watched that vid were you play yonkers on that computer and i was fuckin mind blown ... much love from your audiance -It

  6. I know you dont feel like anyone would understand but i do. my mom doesnt even know my favorite color. shes too occupied to even pay attention to me. that is one main reason i listen to you. i feel your hurt and your pain & i realize that im not alone. you help me cope.

  7. I reaaaally gotta shit sorry its been bothering me all day and this teacher wont let me go take dump so im pretty much screwed and I knew no one would look at this(hopefully) so I just put it out ther :) bye losers!
    p.s. ayee hahaha

  8. fuck, this is cool as shit to read this. i mean like, its dark and bad as fuck you were feeling like this, but to see some original early content like this makes you seem so much more human and shit, to go from being in a situation like this to being one of the most famous people on the planet right now through doing what you want, this is sick dude,

    reading that the dude who fucking vans collabs i just bought sitting around the other side of the globe watching videos of you playing wembley with eminem, was just a struggling kid is like proper inspiration.

  9. Check out this beast as SONG. Going in odd future. https://m.youtube.com/my_videos

  10. now his mom CRIED when he won a grammy

  11. Man Tyler's life must have been a fucking ride. I'm a senior in high school right now (can't go to class though) who works a typical ass fast food job and it's crazy to think that when he was my age he was gearing up to become a pioneer artist. He made it.

  12. leaving my mark here. 2020 gang fo lyfe bitcheeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssss sk8 sk8 procrastinate

  13. It’s crazy how far he’s come. You have come a far way my nigga. I wish I could have a conversation with you about cars and trees and shit like that. sucks I’m young asf tho :/. it’s so cool seeing shit like this. It makes me feel more connected to you..even tho this is hella outdated and we never even met before..ik it’s so dumb lol. but it’s hella cool. I’m glad you stayed alive Tyler, you have come to create great things. I hope you’re not still struggling today. You are one of my inspirations foreal. I’m about to fail school because this online shit is ass, and tbh I haven’t really been trying but thanks to you I’m gonna try so I can get to my fucking goals. I don’t know exactly what I want to be when I grow up, but I definitely want to be something having to do with history, or publicity. Life been hard as shit lately. Last 3 months I went through a lot of things you could think of, I’m hanging in there, trying. You have made me happy during these times, so thank you so much. “Tyler I love you, wanna be just like you.” I’m playing. I love you nigga...and I’m proud of you. Thank you for being you.

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  15. yo what’s up tyler, if you wanna talk bro my instagram is @anthony.zingaro. love your music man keep it up

  16. and look where he is today. crazy times man

  17. no but fr seeing this makes me feel connected w you on a different level... ik you got no clue who i am but im so proud of you. you've come so far and i hope you keep going because ur killing it!! your music & performances are mind-blowing and ur just an amazing person all around. i love you man.

  18. wow looking back on this is rlly crazy i hope i can be like tyler one day...

  19. if anyone finds this, @revozay

  20. if i was old enough back then i def wouldve been in odd future

  21. it's crazy reading this shit knowing it was a diff world 13 yrs back. im trying to be like you man. Not like you, but like you but still being myself. and staying original! anyways thanks 4 being true to urself.

  22. them 7 letters will never die OF's what i represent

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